Sales Flyers: Your Full-Color Sales Force!

Performance Corner® sales flyers are filled with the hottest accessories on the market at the best prices. They’re a terrific way to show customers more product than you can keep on hand, telling them what you have access to and giving them extra customization ideas. These full-color sales aids get shoppers excited about new releases and ready to buy. Looking to generate add-on sales and impulse purchases? Sales flyers can help!

Pro Tip: Greet your customers with a sales flyer as they walk in instead of handing them out as they leave, and you could see a 10% bump in sales!

Sales flyers are available only to Performance Corner® locations. Five times a year, you get:

  • Fifty 16-page flyers.
  • One Featured Products poster that draws attention to the best deals in the flyer (these work great in store windows).
  • One Featured Brand poster, which shows a dynamic lifestyle shot and has staying power in your showroom.

For even greater branding potential, you can imprint sales flyers with your business’s name and contact information, so it looks like you created them. You can also include callbacks like a locator map or coupon—whatever gets customers back in the store!

Call Competition Specialties, Inc. for pricing!

Sales Flyers: Your Full-Color Sales Force!

Sales Flyer Performance Corner

Sales flyers are a paid tool from Performance Corner® that showcase exclusive specials designed to generate impulse buys and add-on sales. These full-color marketing aids are like an extra salesperson in your store, getting customers excited about new releases and ready to buy. They even allow you to showcase items you may not have in stock, letting customers know that you have more available to you as a retailer than just what they see.

Subscribers get 50 16-page flyers five times per year, shipped to coincide with seasonal buying trends, so the hottest deals hit your store at just the right time! You’ll also get two posters with every edition: one Featured Products poster that draws attention to the best deals in the flyer (these work great in store windows) and one Featured Brand poster, which shows a dynamic lifestyle shot and has lasting appeal in your showroom.

Call Competition Specialties Inc. for pricing!