Fastlane Newsletter

Newsletters: Content to Make Your Business Boom

The Fastlane™ newsletter is a free physical print piece mailed five times per year to subscribing Performance Corner® retailers and installers. Made possible by Competition Specialties, Inc. and dozens of sponsoring manufacturers, Fastlane™ delivers timely and informative content to help you grow your business, from articles written to help you run your outfit more effectively to tips for using our marketing tools to help you grow both customers and sales. Issues also include inserts from program vendors to keep you up to date on your favorite brands.

We’re also excited to tell you about two new features we’ve added to the newsletter. Our “Head’s Up!” column lists all the price changes (including MAP and Unilateral Pricing) that have gone into effect since the last issue. Second, the “You Don’t Know Jack!” contest tests your knowledge of one featured manufacturer using four challenging questions about that brand. Get them all right and you’ll be entered to win a free aluminum racing jack!


  • Free to subscribe!
  • Effective business practices
  • Essential marketing ideas
  • Manufacturer price changes
  • Informative quizzes and inserts
  • And more!

Visit to sign up or view the latest issue!

Fastlane Newsletter