AutoMeter (6035): Updated UI for DashLink OBD-II Gauge System (iOS/Android)

The award-winning DashLink software from AutoMeter Products has received a UI (user interface) redesign. Everything you love about DashLink is still there—now it’s just cleaner, faster, and simpler to use. Plus, the upgrade is free to existing users of the system!

DashLink creates a virtual dashboard for your vehicle on your iOS or Android device using the AutoMeter DashLink app. Using your phone, you can monitor and data log engine and vehicle performance (including fuel economy) and instantly read and clear troublesome check engine lights, among numerous other capabilities. A plug-and-play interface simplifies installation.


  • Display: Feature the gauges you want on your iOS or Android device.
  • Data log: Record and play back log files showing OBD-II and acceleration data.
  • Peak recall: Built-in recall lets you view maximum values at your convenience.
  • Skid pad: Show lateral and accel/braking Gs with min/max indicators.
  • Rainbow track map: Visualize your location, acceleration, and braking as you drive laps. Compare different laps to see how acceleration and braking changed.
  • Inclinometer: Monitor the pitch and roll of your vehicle for off-road use.
  • Support for OBD-II diagnostics: Read and clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs).
  • Averages: Determine average fuel consumption, vehicle speed, boost pressure, or any other monitored parameter.
  • Trip computer: Maintains stats for up to five trips.
  • And much more!
AutoMeter Updated UI for DashLink OBDII Gauges 6035

AutoMeter Products (6035): DashLink for Apple iOS

AutoMeter’s SEMA Show award-winning DashLink app turns your lightning-connected* Apple device into an advanced monitoring system able to track engine performance and fuel economy, read and clear vehicle trouble codes, manage check-engine lights, and more! Through a convenient plug-and-play interface, your device becomes a virtual dashboard display system that lets you choose what you see and how you want to see it.

Additional DashLink functionality includes the ability to data log what your vehicle is doing; determine 0–60, quarter-mile, HP, and braking performance; map where you’ve been, how your vehicle performed, and how many Gs you pulled; and keep tabs on idle time and aggressive accelerations/braking maneuvers.

Giving you access to a comprehensive gauge set without the labor or expense of a typical installation, the AutoMeter DashLink is compatible with all OBD-II and EOBD vehicles worldwide.

*Note: This product is compatible with newer lightning-connector Apple products—not those with older 24-pin connectors.


  • Plug-and-play installation.
  • Compatible with OBD-II and EOBD vehicles; uses OEM sensors.
  • Transform your iOS phone or tablet into an advanced monitoring system.
  • Customizable data and display.
  • Comprehensive gauge set with minimal labor and expense.

AutoMeter Dashlink for Apple 6035

AutoMeter (6032): DashLink for Android

AutoMeter’s award-winning DashLink app turns your Android device into an advanced monitoring system able to track engine performance and fuel economy, read and clear vehicle trouble codes, manage check-engine lights, and more! Through a convenient plug-and-play interface, your device becomes a virtual dashboard display system that lets you choose what you see and how you want to see it.

Additional DashLink functionality includes the ability to data log what your vehicle is doing; determine 0–60, quarter-mile, HP, and braking performance; map where you’ve been, how your vehicle performed, and how many Gs you pulled; and keep tabs on idle time and aggressive accelerations/braking maneuvers.

Giving you access to a comprehensive gauge set without the labor or expense of a typical installation, the AutoMeter DashLink is compatible with all OBD-II and EOBD vehicles worldwide.


  • Plug-and-play installation.
  • Compatible with OBD-II and EOBD vehicles; uses OEM sensors.
  • Transform your Android phone or tablet into an advanced monitoring system.
  • Customizable data and display.
  • Comprehensive gauge set with minimal labor and expense.