Rugged Ridge: Armis Soft and Hard Bed Covers for 2020 Jeep Gladiator

Available in soft folding or rolling and hard folding or rolling versions, Armis bed covers from Rugged Ridge give Jeep Gladiator owners plenty of options when it comes to bed security and protection. Engineered to be strong and functional, Armis covers are made in the USA and backed by an industry-leading 5-year limited warranty.

Soft top tarps are constructed from premium matte black woven fabric that coordinates with the Gladiator’s factory dress and additionally resists dirt and grime. Hard tops feature heavy-duty aluminum panels or slats that are light in weight but incredibly strong and durable.


  • For 2020 Jeep Gladiator.
  • Two soft tops available: rolling and folding.
  • Two hard tops available: rolling and folding.
  • Made in the USA.
  • Installation time: <1 hour.
  • Warranty: 5-year limited.
Rugged Ridge Armis Bed Cover for Jeep Gladiator