ReadyPosts: Free Social Media Content to Market Your Business

Working social media into your marketing plan is critical, but it can take time away from running your business. That’s why we created ReadyPosts: a FREE, time-saving library of curated content to keep your social channels fresh and active.

Accessed through your Performance Corner® account, ReadyPosts is searchable by hashtag, description, part number, category, and supplier to help you quickly find top-notch industry content. You’ll find lifestyle images, product shots, videos, MAP-priced calls-to-action, and other useful media. These posts target the “discovery phase” of the consumer experience, letting users know what products are available to them and getting them curious enough to visit your shop in person—where you can close the sale.

Busy aftermarket resellers no longer have to spend hours searching for or creating content to use in their social media efforts. With ReadyPosts, you can just log on, search for what you want, download images, copy text, and instantly get the right message in front of your audience.

If you don’t already have a Performance Corner® account, you can create one free by visiting Get posting today!

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