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PerTronix: Digital HP Ignition Boxes

Legal in all 50 states (CARB E.O. D-57-37), the new Digital HP ignition box from PerTronix generates 30% more spark energy (187 mJ) in a size 70% smaller than the competition. The Digital HP is available in two finishes—512 Silver Anodized and 510 Black Anodized—and comes with detailed instructions for quick-and-easy setup and installation.

Other features include an integrated three-step digital REV limiter for burnout limit, launch control, and fatal over-REV protection; multiple spark function all the way to redline at twice the speed for better spark timing; RPM-activated trigger; adjustable start-retard function; locking automotive connector; tachometer output leads; onboard diagnostics and tach calibration; and more.
